Friday, May 29, 2009

8 days of school left!!

There are 8 days of school left!
Finally the whole year of grade 6 is finishing.
I hope i go to 7th grade and get a new locker
and with a good start hopefully...
I wish I don't have much trouble with studying,
grades and with friends.
I enjoyed 6th grade pretty much but in this trimester,
I didn't have a luck.
And MS Parties were boring. Sooooo...borin...
So i decided not to go anymore and stay at home.
In 7th grade,, I woould work harder than now.
Much harder for my grades. And 4 my future.


  1. ^^;;; Wow... You want to start a "NEW LIFE"?? Cool...

  2. Ya,,,i want to start my life again. With happy memories.
